On this page you will find 'How to Play' instructions, images and videos for Heart of Leviathan. If you have any particular questions, you can ask them here : [email protected]
Beginning the Game - The SET-UP
Planning Your Strategy - The PLOT PHASE
Moving Your Ship - The MOVEMENT PHASE
Fighting Your Ship - THE COMBAT PHASE
Smoke proved to be a major player in WW1 Naval Battles - both in beneficial and detrimental ways. Ships, whether coal or oil fired. produced great volumes of smoke. Smoke discharge was usually the first sign of an enemy fleet at the horizon. During battle, smoke played both protective and preventative roles. Issued during gunfire, smoke could obscure both the target and the sight of the firing gunners to the point of reducing gunnery accuracy of combatants. Smoke markers gather around your ship as you fire and take hits and directly affect an enemy's chance to hit you. You can also deploy smoke as an Order
That's the basics - playing Heart of Leviathan is simple to learn - a challenge to master...
You can send any game related questions or comments here:
[email protected]